Law of Consent (1 of 1)

The government's willful failure to file charge appears to have no meaning whatsoever, not even a meaning defined by words of art. If you never consented to file, because the IRS made it impossible to consent by introducing elements of fraud, per words of art, and duress by threats of penalty, they cannot maintain that you violated that consent and thereby created a cause of action. The average American doesn't understand four important facts about the requirement for consent: 1. They don't know their consent is always required by the government per the Declaration of Independence. 2. They don't know that the government almost always gets their agreement but not their consent as required. 3. They don't see the relationship between signing government forms and consent or agreement. They don't understand that the government acting through its forms elicits their agreement to whatever the government is proposing. They don't understand that this process directly relates to applying to register to vote, casting a ballot, applying for social security, assessing oneself for donations of "income" on the 1040 form, etc. 4. They don't know that they can actually withhold their consent from government proposals and demands, either with a simple no, or by "agreeing" [not consenting] and signing government forms or cooperating with the government, the way one might cooperate with a mugger, "under duress." Consent, a concurrence of wills, a meeting of minds, a desire on the part of both parties for something to happen, is necessary and lawfully required whether one is applying for a driver license, responding to a traffic violation, or refusing to convict at the prosecutor's behest in a criminal trial. In criminal trials, withholding consent from the legislature, the prosecutor and the court, is the foundation of jury nullification. So whether one is responding to a parking ticket, or reprimanding the legislature, prosecutor and court in the jury room, consent of the governed is first and foremost at the heart of responding to all government related activity.

Requirement for Consent


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