Advancing the Kingdom of Yeshua law lesson 2

Perpetual Longevity Beyond the Present Global Changes More and more people today know that a worldwide financial reset is underway, and as such, many have wondered if an offshore trust, LLC, foundation, domestic corporation, IBC, or statutory trust will be made extinct or redundant after the restoration of a Basel III-mandated asset-based world economic system has become ubiquitous and made widely known. World changes are causing experts to question what types of legal structures, what types of banking, what types of commercial arrangements, and which economic instruments will flourish in longevity long after the global transformations have taken effect. This centuries old, little-known, and time-tested asset protection instrument is ideal, because it will continue to be valid even after a Golden Age has dawned worldwide. It is non-statutory. So, such a trust can go on being renewed generation after generation and go on enduring through whatever changes may take place in the statutes. Well into the Golden Ages, and long past the end of taxes and crime on this planet, Kingdom Family Learning Center Church & Relevant Business Solutions Group will continue to serve - - not so much necessarily for protection against thieves and intruders anymore, but more for the superior means of organization of resources, estate planning, the efficient assignment of assets for various humanitarian projects. This is the type of trust that many of the billionaires have been using. It is time for peaceful people of the Kingdom of God to disseminate beneficial influences in society with the same sovereign legal instruments with which the elite have previously been hiding their assets. It was known in the early 1990s that the Rockefellers had some 7000 of these trusts. Likewise, many of the other wealthiest families quietly use them. When one of the Texas billionaire Hunt brothers died, all they could find in his name was a pickup truck and $5000 in cash. It turns out that the rest of his billions were in one of these trusts. His brother heir instantly inherited control of the trust as successor trustee. There was no probate, no death taxes, and no delay. It was seamless. Traditionally the elite have monopolized the knowledge of these trusts because they preferred to keep the benefits of them to themselves. The statutory entities taught in public law schools tend to benefit the vested interests by giving them more control over the affairs of the world. If everyone had a Natural Law Trust, it would free everyone to be independent and sovereign, thus reducing the tribute to the elite’s coffers. Hence, they have had no inclination to approve the faculty and curricula of law schools knowing about Not Taught in Law Schools the Warnings Against Them are Disinformation | © All Rights Reserved KFLCC

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