Law of Consent (1 of 1)

The right to exclude that is the essence of the right to PRIVATE property extends not only to other people or businesses, but to ANY and EVERY government, because under the concept of equal protection and equal treatment, all "persons", including artificial "persons" such as government corporations, are EQUAL. The result of exercising your right to exclude the government is that they HAVE to LEAVE THE PROPERTY ALONE, not try to steal it or deceive you into donating it to them. The only lawful basis for interfering with the use or ownership of any kind of property is when the property is abused to INJURE the equal rights of your sovereign neighbor, and that interference can come only AFTER the injury is inflicted, and not before.

"Do not strive with [or try to regulate or control or enslave] a man without cause if he has done vou no harm." [Prov. 3:30, Bible, NKJV]

Every remedy provided by a lawful de jure government for the protection of private rights therefore BEGINS with demonstrating a quantifiable injury to a specific, enumerated right. Let's apply these concepts of justice to the way the government interacts with you personally. The minute that anyone does any of the following without your consent:

1. Interferes with or penalizes the exercise of any constitutional right. 2. Treats you unequally. 3. Forces any status upon you such as "taxpayer", "citizen", "resident", "spouse", "driver", etc.

4. Procures your consent to anything by any method you did not authorize. For instance, they PRESUME you consented rather than procure your consent in writing, even though you told them that the ONLY method by which you can or will consent is IN WRITING. 5. Compels you to contract with them or makes you a party to a contract or government franchise that you do not expressly consent to. 6. Calls anything voluntary while REFUSING to defend your ABSOLUTE RIGHT NOT to volunteer. This is FRAUD and it's a crime. 7. Imputes or assumes any kind of fiduciary duty on your part towards anyone else absent express written consent. 8. Enforces civil statutory laws of any jurisdiction that you are not domiciled within and therefore protected by. 9. Demands any kind of property without rendering its equivalent in value. This is theft in violation of the Fifth Amendment takings clause. 10. Enforces any obligation associated with any status upon you, such as franchisee, public officer, etc. 1 1. Asa government to: 11.1. Refuses to recognize or protect private rights. 11.2. Insists that ALL your property is public property that the government has title to and you are a transferee or trustee over. 11.3. Refuses to offer a status on government forms of "not subject but not exempt" or "other", and thus compels you to choose a status that is within their jurisdiction as a public officer. 12. Converts private property or RIGHTS to property to a public use, public office, or public purpose without your consent, INCLUDING through the process of taxation. Yes, "taxes" are involuntary for "taxpayers", but only AFTER you VOLUNTEER to become a statutory "taxpayer" by signing up for a government franchise, and AFTER they protect your right to NOT participate or volunteer. Otherwise, we are really dealing with what the U.S. Supreme Court calls "robbery in the name of taxation". 13. Abuses its taxation power to redistribute wealth between private individuals:

To lay, with one hand, the power of the government on the property of the citizen, and with the other to bestow it upon favored individuals to aid private enterprises and build up private famines, is none the less a

robbery because it is done under the forms of law and is called taxation. This is not legislation. It is a decree under legislative forms.

Nor is it taxation. 'A tax,' says Webster's Dictionary, 'is a rate or suns of money assessed on the person or property of a citizen by government for the use of the nation or State. "Taxes are burdens or charges imposed by the Legislature upon persons or property to raise money for public purposes.' Cooley, Const. Lim., 479. [Loan Association v. Topeka. 20 Wall. 655 (18741]

Requirement for Consent


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