B2 Tec Presentation 2020

21 st Century Urban Farming Project

Reimaging Community Agriculture For Veterans & Special Needs Communities

Project Overview & Virtual Tour


A Complementary Solution To Traditional Farming A Social & Economic Sustainable Initiative

• The HUBB AGRO , is the first USA Consortium based corporations developing agricultural communities based on a new diverse Agro-business model outside the traditional agricultural food sectors. • This model is based and adapted from a world wide recognized and successful agricultural model, designed, development and constantly improved in Almeria, Spain. • With the use of the very successful Green House infrastructure and technical sustainability model, Almeria has become in the first supplier of fresh vegetables and fruits for the UE. Almost 50% of the population across the UE (*), eats every day a product grown and packed in the Almeria Green Houses. • This project may open a new sources of revenue for the communities where it is executed. Based on a successful collaboration between Private and Public initiatives to develop the economy, we can create two business opportunities: 1. Production and commercialization of agricultural products. 2. Auxiliary Industries to support services for the new agro-business model. • HUBB Agro, always keeps in mind the development of the local communities, by offering them the opportunity to not just generate wealth through agriculture, but a network of new entrepreneurs that will create jobs, train them in managerial skills, educate low skilled employees and will develop those areas , that need more attention to avoid its marginalization due to its lack of economic and cultural development

About Redland Ahead & Hemispheric Commerce Coalition / HUBB Group Joint Venture

JOINT VENTURE MISSION STATEMENT Reimagining Community Agriculture Helping Heal The Land

With the Help of our Heroes, New Farmers and Special Need Communities. Developing a economic, social and cultural ecosystem that provides a Social Integration Path using Innovative Agricultural Models and products, that promote entrepreneurship and collaboration within its communities, through sustainable farming initiatives.

5 Strategic Benefits of the JV


Supply Control • Produce what you need when you need it. No waste. • Absolute traceability of all products from seed to the table • Self sufficient. No threat of unexpected supply challenges Cost Control • Perfect control of all production parameters • No third party interference • Better margins Product Freshness • From the farm to the table • Natural maturity of products. No freezer maturity • Consume products at the right moment • No third party manipulation avoiding possible contaminations




Environmental Sustainability • 50% less water consumption • Reduced carbon footprint • Organic nutrients used to cultivate vegetables


New Business Opportunities • Sell excess production to third parties • Create a local green market • Increase revenue by cross selling other agricultural complementary products: Olive oil, Vinegar…

New opportunities due to the current Pandemic:

• Research, Development, and Production of diversified and expanded production of organic, local crops. • Entrepreneurs who look at Greenhouse farming as a source of business. • Opportunity to assist Community Farmers to provide food security by growing diversified, high-value crops by expanding the growing season. • Allowing government entities to foster specific economic development areas to generate jobs, reduce marginalization, and provide a sustainable food supply to their local citizens.

Heritage Market HGH 5K sq .ft.

Heritage Market HGH 5K sq .ft.

Heritage Market HGH 5K sq .ft.

Heritage Market HGH 5K sq .ft.

Heritage Market HGH 5K sq .ft.

Heritage Market HGH 5K sq .ft.

Heritage Market HGH 5K sq .ft.

Heritage Market HGH 5K sq .ft.

GH Irrigation System & Automation Control Panel


2021 Initiatives • JCIR Farming Development Community ( Fl) 100 + GHG • Veterans Village of America a “Friends Helping Friends- The Helping Hands Foundation” VVA Veterans Village of America Initiative • Baptist Health Systems • Bio Science Initiative ( FIU, UNV of Almeria, Redland Ahead and Nutralife TEAM /HUBB Ventures • FIU Barnum Botanical and Agro-ecology Research Center. • RA & HUBB JV Packing Plant


A New way to Manage your Farming Business

HUBB VoIP Comm. System


A New Way to Manage Your Farming Business Plan. Organize. Track. In one visual, collaborative space .

Proposal: Veterans Village of America

Price of the offered materials Includes: AREA: 1 Acre GREENHOUSE • Structure and Cover • Thermal Screen • Automatic Climate Control • Electrical System • HUBB AGRO GROUP System • Irrigation system NURSERY

Business Development & Management Applications Services: • FARM BOSS

• CRM Sales & Marketing Modules • Unified Communications Services • HUBB SERVICES

• Online Customer Service Ticketing • Project Management • Customer Portal • Knowledge Base Portal

• HUBB POS Platform • HUBB SEED digital Product Cert. • HUBB E-Commerce Platform

• Structure and Cover • Germination room • Supports for seeding trays • Irrigation system Set-Up Installation & Training • Complete Onsite Installation

• 3 months of onsite Engineer and Support • 36 months remote support and Monitoring • On-Going Knowledge Transfer

Financial Breakdown

Investment: $1,300,000 • Infrastructure (54%):


• Labor (25%): $325,000 • Farming Application Services &Technical Support (21%): $273,000 • Irrigation • Networking & Automation • Climate Control • Video Management & Surveillance System • Farm BOSS BWC Discount Sell Price : $1,093,750

Summary of Operation Cost & Monthly Revenue Forecast

Monthly Operating Expenses : $14,800 Monthly Revenue : $26,200 Monthly Net Profit: $11,400

Based on Tomatoes production of 190,000 lb /year equivalent to 9.5 acres. Personnel needed: 5-6 people

Proposal: Veterans Village of America

Price of the offered materials Includes: AREA: 5,000 Sq. Ft. GREENHOUSE • Structure and Cover • Thermal Screen • Automatic Climate Control • Electric System • HUBB AGRO GROUP System • Irrigation system

Business Development & Management Applications Services: • FARM BOSS • CRM Sales & Marketing Modules • Unified Communications Services • HUBB SERVICES

• Online Customer Service Ticketing • Project Management • Customer Portal • Knowledge Base Portal

Set-Up Installation & Training • Complete On-site Installation

• HUBB POS Platform • HUBB SEED digital Product Cert. • HUBB E-Commerce Platform

• 3 months of onsite Engineer and support • 36 months remote support and monitoring • On-Going Knowledge Transfer

Financial Breakdown

Investment: $275,000.00 • Infrastructure (54%):


• Labor (25%): $68,750 • Farming Application Services &Technical Support (21%): $57,750 • Irrigation • Networking & Automation • Climate Control • Video Management & Surveillance System • Farm BOSS BWC Discount Sell Price : $231,000

Summary of Operation Cost & Monthly Revenue Forecast

Monthly Operating Expenses : $8,800 Monthly Revenue : $10,100 Monthly Net Profit: $1,300

Based on Tomatoes production of 20,000 lb /year equivalent to 1 acres Personnel needed: 2-3 people.

RA & Hubb Agro Group JV Locations

Thank you

USA Miami & Homestead, Florida Phone: 786-475-1410 Email: hello@hubbagro.com

SPAIN Almería Paseo de Almería nº1 Almería 04001 España Email:hello@hubbagro.com

Social Security 6.2%

State Tax 6.925%

Federal Income Tax 24%

COL Yr 4

Employee ID

Hourly Wage Hours Gross Pay Wk Annual Salary

Federal Allow.

Medicare 1.45%

Total Tax Withheld

Insurance Deduction Net Pay

COL Yr 1 5% COL Yr 2 5% COL Yr 3 5%

5% COL Yr 5 5%



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$122.57 $96.16 $72.12 $83.17 $85.42 $72.12 $50.00 $72.12 $72.12 $29.80 $17.00 $33.17 $28.84 $28.84 $24.00 $18.00 $18.00 $72.11 $28.84 $28.84 $46.64 $53.85 $23.00 $23.00 $23.00 $23.00 $38.47 $46.64 $36.06 $29.80 $29.80 $38.46 $28.60 $35.10 $22.59 $20.00 $31.25 $20.00 $49.52 $24.10 $25.00 $26.50 $26.50 $21.64 $21.64 $48.00 $31.25 $31.25 $28.84 $30.77 $19.00 $27.00 $19.50 $19.50 $29.81 $45.68 $45.68 $39.43 $22.60 $21.19 $21.19 $21.19 $21.19 $20.00 $45.68 $45.68 $45.68

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

$4,902.80 $254,945.60 $3,846.40 $200,012.80 $2,884.80 $150,009.60 $3,326.80 $172,993.60 $3,416.80 $177,673.60 $2,884.80 $150,009.60 $2,000.00 $104,000.00 $2,884.80 $150,009.60 $2,884.80 $150,009.60

0 $339.52 $1,176.67 $303.97 $71.09 $1,891.26 $186.31

$2,825.24 $5,147.94 $5,405.34 $5,675.60 $5,959.38 $6,257.35 $2,216.49 $4,038.72 $4,240.66 $4,452.69 $4,675.32 $4,909.09 $1,662.37 $3,029.04 $3,180.49 $3,339.52 $3,506.49 $3,681.82 $1,917.07 $3,493.14 $3,667.80 $3,851.19 $4,043.75 $4,245.93 $1,968.93 $3,587.64 $3,767.02 $3,955.37 $4,153.14 $4,360.80 $1,662.37 $3,029.04 $3,180.49 $3,339.52 $3,506.49 $3,681.82 $1,152.50 $2,100.00 $2,205.00 $2,315.25 $2,431.01 $2,552.56 $1,662.37 $3,029.04 $3,180.49 $3,339.52 $3,506.49 $3,681.82 $1,662.37 $3,029.04 $3,180.49 $3,339.52 $3,506.49 $3,681.82 $686.89 $1,251.60 $1,314.18 $1,379.89 $1,448.88 $1,521.33 $764.57 $1,393.14 $1,462.80 $1,535.94 $1,612.73 $1,693.37 $664.76 $1,211.28 $1,271.84 $1,335.44 $1,402.21 $1,472.32 $664.76 $1,211.28 $1,271.84 $1,335.44 $1,402.21 $1,472.32 $553.20 $1,008.00 $1,058.40 $1,111.32 $1,166.89 $1,225.23 $1,662.14 $3,028.62 $3,180.05 $3,339.05 $3,506.01 $3,681.31 $664.76 $1,211.28 $1,271.84 $1,335.44 $1,402.21 $1,472.32 $664.76 $1,211.28 $1,271.84 $1,335.44 $1,402.21 $1,472.32 $1,075.05 $1,958.88 $2,056.82 $2,159.67 $2,267.65 $2,381.03 $1,241.24 $2,261.70 $2,374.79 $2,493.52 $2,618.20 $2,749.11 $966.00 $1,014.30 $1,065.02 $1,118.27 $1,174.18 $966.00 $1,014.30 $1,065.02 $1,118.27 $1,174.18 $966.00 $1,014.30 $1,065.02 $1,118.27 $1,174.18 $966.00 $1,014.30 $1,065.02 $1,118.27 $1,174.18 $886.73 $1,615.74 $1,696.53 $1,781.35 $1,870.42 $1,963.94 $1,075.05 $1,958.88 $2,056.82 $2,159.67 $2,267.65 $2,381.03 $530.15 $530.15 $530.15 $530.15 $831.18 $1,514.52 $1,590.25 $1,669.76 $1,753.25 $1,840.91 $686.89 $1,251.60 $1,314.18 $1,379.89 $1,448.88 $1,521.33 $686.89 $1,251.60 $1,314.18 $1,379.89 $1,448.88 $1,521.33 $886.50 $1,615.32 $1,696.09 $1,780.89 $1,869.93 $1,963.43 $659.23 $1,201.20 $1,261.26 $1,324.32 $1,390.54 $1,460.07 $809.06 $1,474.20 $1,547.91 $1,625.31 $1,706.57 $1,791.90 $391.85 $714.00 $749.70 $787.19 $826.54 $867.87 $414.90 $414.90 $756.00 $756.00 $793.80 $793.80 $833.49 $875.16 $833.49 $875.16 $918.92 $918.92

0 $266.36 0 $199.77 0 $230.38 0 $236.61 0 $199.77 0 $138.50 0 $199.77 0 $199.77

$923.14 $238.48 $55.77 $1,483.75 $146.16 $692.35 $178.86 $41.83 $1,112.81 $109.62 $798.43 $206.26 $48.24 $1,283.31 $126.42 $820.03 $211.84 $49.54 $1,318.03 $129.84 $692.35 $178.86 $41.83 $1,112.81 $109.62 $480.00 $124.00 $29.00 $771.50 $76.00 $692.35 $178.86 $41.83 $1,112.81 $109.62 $692.35 $178.86 $41.83 $1,112.81 $109.62 $286.08 $73.90 $17.28 $459.81 $45.30 $163.20 $42.16 $9.86 $262.31 $25.84

VP of HR

VP Sales

VP Product Development - ID

VP Media Marketing VP Brand Marketing Executive Admin Asst Office Assistant - ID

$1,192.00 $680.00 $1,326.80 $1,153.60 $1,153.60 $960.00 $720.00 $720.00

$61,984.00 $35,360.00 $68,993.60 $59,987.20 $59,987.20 $49,920.00 $37,440.00 $37,440.00 $59,987.20 $59,987.20 $97,011.20 $47,840.00 $47,840.00 $47,840.00 $47,840.00 $80,017.60 $97,011.20 $75,004.80 $61,984.00 $61,984.00 $79,996.80 $59,488.00 $73,008.00 $46,987.20 $41,600.00 $65,000.00 $41,600.00 $50,128.00 $52,000.00 $55,120.00 $55,120.00 $45,011.20 $45,011.20 $99,840.00 $65,000.00 $65,000.00 $59,987.20 $64,001.60 $39,520.00 $56,160.00 $40,560.00 $40,560.00 $62,004.80 $95,014.40 $95,014.40 $82,014.40 $47,008.00 $44,075.20 $44,075.20 $44,075.20 $44,075.20 $41,600.00 $95,014.40 $95,014.40 $95,014.40

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$82.55 $47.09 $91.88 $79.89 $79.89 $66.48 $49.86 $49.86

Director of Ecommerce B2B Ecomm Sales Manager Ecomm Data Analyst Call Center Supervisor

$318.43 $82.26 $19.24 $511.81 $276.86 $71.52 $16.73 $445.00 $276.86 $71.52 $16.73 $445.00 $230.40 $59.52 $13.92 $370.32 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74

$50.42 $43.84 $43.84 $36.48 $27.36 $27.36

Call Center Rep I Call Center Rep II

VP Accounting AR Manager AP Manager

$2,884.40 $149,988.80

0 $199.74

$692.26 $178.83 $41.82 $1,112.66 $109.61 $276.86 $71.52 $16.73 $445.00 $43.84 $276.86 $71.52 $16.73 $445.00 $43.84 $447.74 $115.67 $27.05 $719.66 $70.89 $516.96 $133.55 $31.23 $830.91 $81.85 $220.80 $57.04 $13.34 $354.89 $34.96 $220.80 $57.04 $13.34 $354.89 $34.96 $220.80 $57.04 $13.34 $354.89 $34.96 $220.80 $57.04 $13.34 $354.89 $34.96 $369.31 $95.41 $22.31 $593.59 $58.47 $447.74 $115.67 $27.05 $719.66 $70.89

$1,153.60 $1,153.60 $1,865.60

0 0

$79.89 $79.89

Corporate Controller Tax & Treasury Manager

0 $129.19 0 $149.16

$2,154.00 $112,008.00

AR Analyst I AR Analyst II AP Specialist I AP Specialist II

$920.00 $920.00 $920.00 $920.00

0 0 0 0

$63.71 $63.71 $63.71 $63.71

Plant Controller I - ID Plant Controller II

$1,538.80 $1,865.60 $1,442.40 $1,192.00 $1,192.00 $1,538.40 $1,144.00 $1,404.00 $903.60 $800.00 $1,250.00 $800.00 $964.00 $1,000.00 $1,060.00 $1,060.00 $865.60 $865.60 $1,920.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00 $1,153.60 $1,230.80 $760.00 $1,080.00 $780.00 $780.00 $1,192.40 $1,827.20 $1,827.20 $1,577.20 $904.00 $847.60 $847.60 $847.60 $847.60 $800.00 $1,827.20 $1,827.20 $1,827.20

0 $106.56 0 $129.19

HR Manager Plant I - ID HR Generalist Corporate Benefits Administrator HR Manager Plant II HR Generalist Plant - ID

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$99.89 $82.55 $82.55 $79.22 $97.23 $62.57 $55.40 $86.56 $55.40 $66.76 $69.25 $73.41 $73.41 $59.94 $59.94 $86.56 $86.56 $79.89 $85.23 $52.63 $74.79 $54.02 $54.02 $82.57

$346.18 $89.43 $20.91 $556.41 $286.08 $73.90 $17.28 $459.81 $286.08 $73.90 $17.28 $459.81 $369.22 $95.38 $22.31 $593.44 $274.56 $70.93 $16.59 $441.30 $336.96 $87.05 $20.36 $541.59 $216.86 $56.02 $13.10 $348.56 $192.00 $49.60 $11.60 $308.60 $300.00 $77.50 $18.13 $482.19 $192.00 $49.60 $11.60 $308.60 $475.39 $122.81 $28.72 $764.09 $231.36 $59.77 $13.98 $371.86 $240.00 $62.00 $14.50 $385.75 $254.40 $65.72 $15.37 $408.90 $254.40 $65.72 $15.37 $408.90 $207.74 $53.67 $12.55 $333.91 $207.74 $53.67 $12.55 $333.91 $460.80 $119.04 $27.84 $740.64 $300.00 $77.50 $18.13 $482.19 $300.00 $77.50 $18.13 $482.19 $276.86 $71.52 $16.73 $445.00 $295.39 $76.31 $17.85 $474.78 $182.40 $47.12 $11.02 $293.17 $259.20 $66.96 $15.66 $416.61 $187.20 $48.36 $11.31 $300.89 $187.20 $48.36 $11.31 $300.89 $286.18 $73.93 $17.29 $459.97 $438.53 $113.29 $26.49 $704.84 $438.53 $113.29 $26.49 $704.84 $378.53 $97.79 $22.87 $608.40 $216.96 $56.05 $13.11 $348.72 $203.42 $52.55 $12.29 $326.96 $203.42 $52.55 $12.29 $326.96 $203.42 $52.55 $12.29 $326.96 $203.42 $52.55 $12.29 $326.96 $192.00 $49.60 $11.60 $308.60 $438.53 $113.29 $26.49 $704.84 $438.53 $113.29 $26.49 $704.84 $438.53 $113.29 $26.49 $704.84

$54.81 $45.30 $45.30 $58.46 $43.47 $53.35 $34.34 $30.40 $47.50 $30.40 $75.27 $36.63 $38.00 $40.28 $40.28 $32.89 $32.89 $72.96 $47.50 $47.50 $43.84 $46.77 $28.88 $41.04 $29.64 $29.64 $45.31 $69.43 $69.43 $59.93 $34.35 $32.21 $32.21 $32.21 $32.21 $30.40 $69.43 $69.43 $69.43

0 $106.53

Payroll Manager Payroll Coordinator Payroll Specialist

$520.70 $461.00

$948.78 $840.00

$996.22 $1,046.03 $1,098.33 $1,153.25


$926.10 $972.41 $1,021.03

Talent Acquisition Specialist

$720.31 $1,312.50 $1,378.13 $1,447.03 $1,519.38 $1,595.35

HR Coordinator




$926.10 $972.41 $1,021.03

IT Manager

$1,980.80 $103,001.60

0 $137.17

$1,141.44 $2,079.84 $2,183.83 $2,293.02 $2,407.67 $2,528.06 $555.51 $1,012.20 $1,062.81 $1,115.95 $1,171.75 $1,230.34 $576.25 $1,050.00 $1,102.50 $1,157.63 $1,215.51 $1,276.28 $610.83 $1,113.00 $1,168.65 $1,227.08 $1,288.44 $1,352.86 $610.83 $1,113.00 $1,168.65 $1,227.08 $1,288.44 $1,352.86

IT Integration Specialist IT Integration Analyst

IT Programmer I IT Programmer II IT Technician I IT Technician II

$498.80 $498.80

$908.88 $908.88

$954.32 $1,002.04 $1,052.14 $1,104.75 $954.32 $1,002.04 $1,052.14 $1,104.75

VP Planning & Analytics Director of Logistics Director of Supply Chain Inventory Manager Planning Manager Planning Coordinator Logistics Supervisor Logistics Coordinator I Logistics Coordinator II Procurement Manager - ID Director of Creative Media Director of Merchandising Marketing Manager Graphic Designer Media Coordinator Marketing Coordinator Merchandising Coordinator Multimedia Coordinator Product Coordionator - ID

0 $132.96

$1,106.40 $2,016.00 $2,116.80 $2,222.64 $2,333.77 $2,450.46 $720.31 $1,312.50 $1,378.13 $1,447.03 $1,519.38 $1,595.35 $720.31 $1,312.50 $1,378.13 $1,447.03 $1,519.38 $1,595.35 $664.76 $1,211.28 $1,271.84 $1,335.44 $1,402.21 $1,472.32 $709.25 $1,292.34 $1,356.96 $1,424.80 $1,496.05 $1,570.85




$879.80 $923.78


$622.35 $1,134.00 $1,190.70 $1,250.24 $1,312.75 $1,378.38

$449.48 $449.48

$819.00 $819.00

$859.95 $859.95

$902.95 $948.09 $902.95 $948.09

$995.50 $995.50

$687.12 $1,252.02 $1,314.62 $1,380.35 $1,449.37 $1,521.84

0 $126.53 0 $126.53 0 $109.22

$1,052.92 $1,918.56 $2,014.49 $2,115.21 $2,220.97 $2,332.02 $1,052.92 $1,918.56 $2,014.49 $2,115.21 $2,220.97 $2,332.02 $908.86 $1,656.06 $1,738.86 $1,825.81 $1,917.10 $2,012.95

0 0 0 0 0 0

$62.60 $58.70 $58.70 $58.70 $58.70 $55.40

$520.93 $488.43 $488.43 $488.43 $488.43 $461.00

$949.20 $889.98 $889.98 $889.98 $889.98 $840.00

$996.66 $1,046.49 $1,098.82 $1,153.76

$934.48 $934.48 $934.48 $934.48 $882.00

$981.20 $1,030.26 $1,081.78 $981.20 $1,030.26 $1,081.78 $981.20 $1,030.26 $1,081.78 $981.20 $1,030.26 $1,081.78 $926.10 $972.41 $1,021.03

Director Sales - US

0 $126.53 0 $126.53 0 $126.53

$1,052.92 $1,918.56 $2,014.49 $2,115.21 $2,220.97 $2,332.02 $1,052.92 $1,918.56 $2,014.49 $2,115.21 $2,220.97 $2,332.02 $1,052.92 $1,918.56 $2,014.49 $2,115.21 $2,220.97 $2,332.02

Director Sales - International

Director Sales Retail

Account Manager US I Account Manager US III Account Manager Int I Account Manager Int II

$33.66 $33.66 $33.66 $33.66 $20.00 $20.00 $28.85 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $57.70 $31.25 $42.31 $19.50 $19.50 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $40.39 $40.39 $40.87 $45.68 $60.10 $52.89 $38.47 $38.47 $29.81 $29.81 $29.81 $29.81 $21.64 $21.64 $21.64 $21.64 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $18.00 $15.25 $15.25 $15.25 $15.25 $15.25 $15.25 $15.25 $15.25 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.75 $16.75 $16.75 $16.75 $36.06 $36.06 $26.45 $26.45 $26.45 $26.45 $26.45 $26.45

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

$1,346.40 $1,346.40 $1,346.40 $1,346.40 $800.00 $800.00 $1,154.00 $720.00 $720.00 $720.00 $1,250.00 $1,692.40 $780.00 $780.00 $680.00 $680.00 $680.00 $680.00 $1,615.60 $1,615.60 $1,634.80 $1,827.20 $1,538.80 $1,538.80 $1,192.40 $1,192.40 $1,192.40 $1,192.40 $865.60 $865.60 $865.60 $865.60 $720.00 $720.00 $720.00 $720.00 $720.00 $720.00 $720.00 $720.00 $610.00 $610.00 $610.00 $610.00 $610.00 $610.00 $610.00 $610.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $670.00 $670.00 $670.00 $670.00 $1,442.40 $1,442.40 $1,058.00 $1,058.00 $1,058.00 $1,058.00 $1,058.00 $1,058.00

$70,012.80 $70,012.80 $70,012.80 $70,012.80 $41,600.00 $41,600.00 $60,008.00 $37,440.00 $37,440.00 $37,440.00 $65,000.00 $88,004.80 $40,560.00 $40,560.00 $35,360.00 $35,360.00 $35,360.00 $35,360.00 $84,011.20 $84,011.20 $85,009.60 $95,014.40 $80,017.60 $80,017.60 $62,004.80 $62,004.80 $62,004.80 $62,004.80 $45,011.20 $45,011.20 $45,011.20 $45,011.20 $37,440.00 $37,440.00 $37,440.00 $37,440.00 $37,440.00 $37,440.00 $37,440.00 $37,440.00 $31,720.00 $31,720.00 $31,720.00 $31,720.00 $31,720.00 $31,720.00 $31,720.00 $31,720.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,840.00 $34,840.00 $34,840.00 $34,840.00 $75,004.80 $75,004.80 $55,016.00 $55,016.00 $55,016.00 $55,016.00 $55,016.00 $55,016.00

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$93.24 $93.24 $93.24 $93.24 $55.40 $55.40 $79.91 $49.86 $49.86 $49.86

$323.14 $83.48 $19.52 $519.37 $323.14 $83.48 $19.52 $519.37 $323.14 $83.48 $19.52 $519.37 $323.14 $83.48 $19.52 $519.37 $192.00 $49.60 $11.60 $308.60 $192.00 $49.60 $11.60 $308.60 $276.96 $71.55 $16.73 $445.16 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $553.92 $143.10 $33.47 $890.31 $300.00 $77.50 $18.13 $482.19 $406.18 $104.93 $24.54 $652.84 $187.20 $48.36 $11.31 $300.89 $187.20 $48.36 $11.31 $300.89 $163.20 $42.16 $9.86 $262.31 $163.20 $42.16 $9.86 $262.31 $163.20 $42.16 $9.86 $262.31 $163.20 $42.16 $9.86 $262.31 $387.74 $100.17 $23.43 $623.22 $387.74 $100.17 $23.43 $623.22 $392.35 $101.36 $23.70 $630.62 $438.53 $113.29 $26.49 $704.84 $576.96 $149.05 $34.86 $927.34 $507.74 $131.17 $30.68 $816.09 $369.31 $95.41 $22.31 $593.59 $369.31 $95.41 $22.31 $593.59 $286.18 $73.93 $17.29 $459.97 $286.18 $73.93 $17.29 $459.97 $286.18 $73.93 $17.29 $459.97 $286.18 $73.93 $17.29 $459.97 $207.74 $53.67 $12.55 $333.91 $207.74 $53.67 $12.55 $333.91 $207.74 $53.67 $12.55 $333.91 $207.74 $53.67 $12.55 $333.91 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $172.80 $44.64 $10.44 $277.74 $146.40 $37.82 $8.85 $235.31 $146.40 $37.82 $8.85 $235.31 $146.40 $37.82 $8.85 $235.31 $146.40 $37.82 $8.85 $235.31 $146.40 $37.82 $8.85 $235.31 $146.40 $37.82 $8.85 $235.31 $146.40 $37.82 $8.85 $235.31 $146.40 $37.82 $8.85 $235.31 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $160.80 $41.54 $9.72 $258.45 $160.80 $41.54 $9.72 $258.45 $160.80 $41.54 $9.72 $258.45 $160.80 $41.54 $9.72 $258.45 $346.18 $89.43 $20.91 $556.41 $346.18 $89.43 $20.91 $556.41 $253.92 $65.60 $15.34 $408.12 $253.92 $65.60 $15.34 $408.12 $253.92 $65.60 $15.34 $408.12 $253.92 $65.60 $15.34 $408.12 $253.92 $65.60 $15.34 $408.12 $253.92 $65.60 $15.34 $408.12

$51.16 $51.16 $51.16 $51.16 $30.40 $30.40 $43.85 $27.36 $27.36 $27.36 $87.70 $47.50 $64.31 $29.64 $29.64 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $25.84 $61.39 $61.39 $62.12 $69.43 $91.35 $80.39 $58.47 $58.47 $45.31 $45.31 $45.31 $45.31 $32.89 $32.89 $32.89 $32.89 $27.36 $27.36 $27.36 $27.36 $27.36 $27.36 $27.36 $27.36 $23.18 $23.18 $23.18 $23.18 $23.18 $23.18 $23.18 $23.18 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.46 $25.46 $25.46 $25.46 $54.81 $54.81 $40.20 $40.20 $40.20 $40.20 $40.20 $40.20

$775.86 $1,413.72 $1,484.41 $1,558.63 $1,636.56 $1,718.39 $775.86 $1,413.72 $1,484.41 $1,558.63 $1,636.56 $1,718.39 $775.86 $1,413.72 $1,484.41 $1,558.63 $1,636.56 $1,718.39 $775.86 $1,413.72 $1,484.41 $1,558.63 $1,636.56 $1,718.39

Sales Asst I Sales Asst II

$461.00 $461.00 $414.90 $414.90 $414.90

$840.00 $840.00 $756.00 $756.00 $756.00

$882.00 $882.00 $793.80 $793.80 $793.80

$926.10 $972.41 $1,021.03 $926.10 $972.41 $1,021.03

Cust Serv Retail Manager

$664.99 $1,211.70 $1,272.29 $1,335.90 $1,402.69 $1,472.83

Cust Serv Rep I Cust Serv Rep II Cust Serv Rep III

$833.49 $875.16 $833.49 $875.16 $833.49 $875.16

$918.92 $918.92 $918.92

Director of Quality Assurance Quality Manager Plant I - ID Quality Manager Plant II Quality Coordinator Plant I - ID Quality Coordinator Plant II Quality Inspector Plant I - ID Quality Inspector Plant II - ID Quality Inspector Plant III Quality Inspector Plant IV Industrial Engineer I - ID

$2,308.00 $120,016.00

0 $159.83

$1,329.99 $2,423.40 $2,544.57 $2,671.80 $2,805.39 $2,945.66 $720.31 $1,312.50 $1,378.13 $1,447.03 $1,519.38 $1,595.35 $975.25 $1,777.02 $1,865.87 $1,959.16 $2,057.12 $2,159.98



0 $117.20

0 0 0 0 0 0

$54.02 $54.02 $47.09 $47.09 $47.09 $47.09

$449.48 $449.48 $391.85 $391.85 $391.85 $391.85

$819.00 $819.00 $714.00 $714.00 $714.00 $714.00

$859.95 $859.95 $749.70 $749.70 $749.70 $749.70

$902.95 $948.09 $902.95 $948.09 $787.19 $826.54 $787.19 $826.54 $787.19 $826.54 $787.19 $826.54

$995.50 $995.50 $867.87 $867.87 $867.87 $867.87

0 $111.88 0 $111.88 0 $113.21 0 $126.53 0 $166.48 0 $146.51 0 $106.56 0 $106.56

$930.99 $1,696.38 $1,781.20 $1,870.26 $1,963.77 $2,061.96 $930.99 $1,696.38 $1,781.20 $1,870.26 $1,963.77 $2,061.96 $942.05 $1,716.54 $1,802.37 $1,892.49 $1,987.11 $2,086.47 $1,052.92 $1,918.56 $2,014.49 $2,115.21 $2,220.97 $2,332.02 $1,385.31 $2,524.20 $2,650.41 $2,782.93 $2,922.08 $3,068.18 $1,219.11 $2,221.38 $2,332.45 $2,449.07 $2,571.53 $2,700.10 $886.73 $1,615.74 $1,696.53 $1,781.35 $1,870.42 $1,963.94 $886.73 $1,615.74 $1,696.53 $1,781.35 $1,870.42 $1,963.94 $687.12 $1,252.02 $1,314.62 $1,380.35 $1,449.37 $1,521.84 $687.12 $1,252.02 $1,314.62 $1,380.35 $1,449.37 $1,521.84 $687.12 $1,252.02 $1,314.62 $1,380.35 $1,449.37 $1,521.84 $687.12 $1,252.02 $1,314.62 $1,380.35 $1,449.37 $1,521.84

Industrial Engineer II CI Lean Manager I - ID CI Lean Manager II

Plant Manager - ID Plant Manager

$2,404.00 $125,008.00 $2,115.60 $110,011.20

Production Manager - ID Production Manager Production Supervisor - ID Production Supervisor - ID Production Supervisor Production Supervisor Production Lead - ID Production Lead - ID Machine Operator - ID Machine Operator - ID Machine Operator - ID Machine Operator - ID Machine Operator Machine Operator Machine Operator Machine Operator Product Closer - ID Product Closer - ID Product Closer - ID Product Closer - ID Production Lead Production Lead

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$82.57 $82.57 $82.57 $82.57 $59.94 $59.94 $59.94 $59.94 $49.86 $49.86 $49.86 $49.86 $49.86 $49.86 $49.86 $49.86 $42.24 $42.24 $42.24 $42.24 $42.24 $42.24 $42.24 $42.24 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $46.40 $46.40 $46.40 $46.40 $99.89 $99.89 $73.27 $73.27 $73.27 $73.27 $73.27 $73.27

$498.80 $498.80 $498.80 $498.80 $414.90 $414.90 $414.90 $414.90 $414.90 $414.90 $414.90 $414.90 $351.51 $351.51 $351.51 $351.51 $351.51 $351.51 $351.51 $351.51 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $386.09 $386.09 $386.09 $386.09

$908.88 $908.88 $908.88 $908.88 $756.00 $756.00 $756.00 $756.00 $756.00 $756.00 $756.00 $756.00 $640.50 $640.50 $640.50 $640.50 $640.50 $640.50 $640.50 $640.50 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $703.50 $703.50 $703.50 $703.50

$954.32 $1,002.04 $1,052.14 $1,104.75 $954.32 $1,002.04 $1,052.14 $1,104.75 $954.32 $1,002.04 $1,052.14 $1,104.75 $954.32 $1,002.04 $1,052.14 $1,104.75

$793.80 $793.80 $793.80 $793.80 $793.80 $793.80 $793.80 $793.80 $672.53 $672.53 $672.53 $672.53 $672.53 $672.53 $672.53 $672.53 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $738.68 $738.68 $738.68 $738.68

$833.49 $875.16 $833.49 $875.16 $833.49 $875.16 $833.49 $875.16 $833.49 $875.16 $833.49 $875.16 $833.49 $875.16 $833.49 $875.16 $706.15 $741.46 $706.15 $741.46 $706.15 $741.46 $706.15 $741.46 $706.15 $741.46 $706.15 $741.46 $706.15 $741.46 $706.15 $741.46 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $775.61 $814.39 $775.61 $814.39 $775.61 $814.39 $775.61 $814.39

$918.92 $918.92 $918.92 $918.92 $918.92 $918.92 $918.92 $918.92 $778.53 $778.53 $778.53 $778.53 $778.53 $778.53 $778.53 $778.53 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $855.11 $855.11 $855.11 $855.11

Product Closer Product Closer Product Closer Product Closer

Packer - ID Packer - ID Packer - ID Packer - ID

Packer Packer Packer Packer

Finish Good Mover - ID Finish Good Mover - ID Finish Good Mover Finish Good Mover Material Handler - ID Material Handler - ID Distribution Manager - ID Distribution Manager Distribution Supervisor - ID Distribution Supervisor - ID Distribution Supervisor Distribution Supervisor Inventory Supervisor - ID Inventory Supervisor Material Handler Material Handler

$831.18 $1,514.52 $1,590.25 $1,669.76 $1,753.25 $1,840.91 $831.18 $1,514.52 $1,590.25 $1,669.76 $1,753.25 $1,840.91 $609.67 $1,110.90 $1,166.45 $1,224.77 $1,286.01 $1,350.31 $609.67 $1,110.90 $1,166.45 $1,224.77 $1,286.01 $1,350.31 $609.67 $1,110.90 $1,166.45 $1,224.77 $1,286.01 $1,350.31 $609.67 $1,110.90 $1,166.45 $1,224.77 $1,286.01 $1,350.31 $609.67 $1,110.90 $1,166.45 $1,224.77 $1,286.01 $1,350.31 $609.67 $1,110.90 $1,166.45 $1,224.77 $1,286.01 $1,350.31

Distribution Clerk - ID Distribution Clerk - ID Distribution Clerk Distribution Clerk Inventory Clerk - ID Shippers/Loaders - ID Shippers/Loaders - ID Shippers/Loaders - ID Shippers/Loaders - ID Shippers/Loaders Shippers/Loaders Shippers/Loaders Shippers/Loaders Shippers/Loaders Shippers/Loaders Forklift Operator - ID Forklift Operator - ID Forklift Operator - ID Inventory Clerk Forklift Operator Forklift Operator Forklift Operator Forklift Operator Forklift Operator Truck Driver - ID Cycle Counter - ID Cycle Counter Cycle Counter Truck Driver

$16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $15.50 $15.50 $15.50 $15.50 $15.50 $15.50 $15.50 $15.50 $15.50 $15.50 $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 $26.50 $26.50 $17.50 $17.50 $17.50 $38.47 $38.47 $28.00 $28.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50 $16.50

40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40

$660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $620.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00

$34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $32,240.00 $32,240.00 $32,240.00 $32,240.00 $32,240.00 $32,240.00 $32,240.00 $32,240.00 $32,240.00 $32,240.00 $36,400.00 $36,400.00 $36,400.00 $36,400.00 $36,400.00 $36,400.00 $36,400.00 $36,400.00 $55,120.00 $55,120.00 $36,400.00 $36,400.00 $36,400.00 $80,017.60 $80,017.60 $58,240.00 $58,240.00 $52,000.00 $52,000.00 $52,000.00 $52,000.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00 $34,320.00

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

$45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $42.94 $42.94 $42.94 $42.94 $42.94 $42.94 $42.94 $42.94 $42.94 $42.94 $48.48 $48.48 $48.48 $48.48 $48.48 $48.48 $48.48 $48.48 $73.41 $73.41 $48.48 $48.48 $48.48 $77.56 $77.56 $69.25 $69.25 $69.25 $69.25 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71 $45.71

$158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $148.80 $38.44 $8.99 $239.17 $148.80 $38.44 $8.99 $239.17 $148.80 $38.44 $8.99 $239.17 $148.80 $38.44 $8.99 $239.17 $148.80 $38.44 $8.99 $239.17 $148.80 $38.44 $8.99 $239.17 $148.80 $38.44 $8.99 $239.17 $148.80 $38.44 $8.99 $239.17 $148.80 $38.44 $8.99 $239.17 $148.80 $38.44 $8.99 $239.17 $168.00 $43.40 $10.15 $270.03 $168.00 $43.40 $10.15 $270.03 $168.00 $43.40 $10.15 $270.03 $168.00 $43.40 $10.15 $270.03 $168.00 $43.40 $10.15 $270.03 $168.00 $43.40 $10.15 $270.03 $168.00 $43.40 $10.15 $270.03 $168.00 $43.40 $10.15 $270.03 $254.40 $65.72 $15.37 $408.90 $254.40 $65.72 $15.37 $408.90 $168.00 $43.40 $10.15 $270.03 $168.00 $43.40 $10.15 $270.03 $168.00 $43.40 $10.15 $270.03 $369.31 $95.41 $22.31 $593.59 $369.31 $95.41 $22.31 $593.59 $268.80 $69.44 $16.24 $432.04 $268.80 $69.44 $16.24 $432.04 $240.00 $62.00 $14.50 $385.75 $240.00 $62.00 $14.50 $385.75 $240.00 $62.00 $14.50 $385.75 $240.00 $62.00 $14.50 $385.75 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60 $158.40 $40.92 $9.57 $254.60

$25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $23.56 $23.56 $23.56 $23.56 $23.56 $23.56 $23.56 $23.56 $23.56 $23.56 $26.60 $26.60 $26.60 $26.60 $26.60 $26.60 $26.60 $26.60 $40.28 $40.28 $26.60 $26.60 $26.60 $58.47 $58.47 $42.56 $42.56 $38.00 $38.00 $38.00 $38.00 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08 $25.08

$380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $357.28 $357.28 $357.28 $357.28 $357.28 $357.28 $357.28 $357.28 $357.28 $357.28 $403.38 $403.38 $403.38 $403.38 $403.38 $403.38 $403.38 $403.38

$693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $651.00 $651.00 $651.00 $651.00 $651.00 $651.00 $651.00 $651.00 $651.00 $651.00 $735.00 $735.00 $735.00 $735.00 $735.00 $735.00 $735.00 $735.00

$727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $683.55 $683.55 $683.55 $683.55 $683.55 $683.55 $683.55 $683.55 $683.55 $683.55 $771.75 $771.75 $771.75 $771.75 $771.75 $771.75 $771.75 $771.75

$764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $717.73 $753.61 $717.73 $753.61 $717.73 $753.61 $717.73 $753.61 $717.73 $753.61 $717.73 $753.61 $717.73 $753.61 $717.73 $753.61 $717.73 $753.61 $717.73 $753.61 $810.34 $850.85 $810.34 $850.85 $810.34 $850.85 $810.34 $850.85 $810.34 $850.85 $810.34 $850.85 $810.34 $850.85 $810.34 $850.85

$842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $791.29 $791.29 $791.29 $791.29 $791.29 $791.29 $791.29 $791.29 $791.29 $791.29 $893.40 $893.40 $893.40 $893.40 $893.40 $893.40 $893.40 $893.40

$1,060.00 $1,060.00 $700.00 $700.00 $700.00 $1,538.80 $1,538.80 $1,120.00 $1,120.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00 $660.00

$610.83 $1,113.00 $1,168.65 $1,227.08 $1,288.44 $1,352.86 $610.83 $1,113.00 $1,168.65 $1,227.08 $1,288.44 $1,352.86

$403.38 $403.38 $403.38

$735.00 $735.00 $735.00

$771.75 $771.75 $771.75

$810.34 $850.85 $810.34 $850.85 $810.34 $850.85

$893.40 $893.40 $893.40

Maintenance Manager - ID Maintenance Manager Maintenance Lead - ID Maintenance Mechanic - ID Maintenance Mechanic Maintenance Mechanic Maintenance Mechanic Maintenance Lead

0 $106.56 0 $106.56

$886.73 $1,615.74 $1,696.53 $1,781.35 $1,870.42 $1,963.94 $886.73 $1,615.74 $1,696.53 $1,781.35 $1,870.42 $1,963.94 $645.40 $1,176.00 $1,234.80 $1,296.54 $1,361.37 $1,429.44 $645.40 $1,176.00 $1,234.80 $1,296.54 $1,361.37 $1,429.44 $576.25 $1,050.00 $1,102.50 $1,157.63 $1,215.51 $1,276.28 $576.25 $1,050.00 $1,102.50 $1,157.63 $1,215.51 $1,276.28 $576.25 $1,050.00 $1,102.50 $1,157.63 $1,215.51 $1,276.28 $576.25 $1,050.00 $1,102.50 $1,157.63 $1,215.51 $1,276.28

Sanitation - ID

$380.33 $380.33 $380.33 $380.33

$693.00 $693.00 $693.00 $693.00

$727.65 $727.65 $727.65 $727.65

$764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23 $764.03 $802.23

$842.35 $842.35 $842.35 $842.35

Sanitation Sanitation Sanitation TOTALS

$2,701.00 7320 $204,663.20 $10,642,486.40

$14,172.93 $49,119.17 $12,689.12 $2,967.62 $78,948.83 $7,777.20 $117,937.17 $214,896.36 $225,641.18 $236,923.24 $248,769.40 $261,207.87

Total Salary w/ COL Reloc/Bonus Grand Total

$11,829,924.44 $200,000.00 $12,029,924.44

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