Advancing the Kingdom of Yeshua law lesson 2
worldwide to be operating according to divine guidance, as preeminent over any kind of human authority.
UCC The Uniform Commercial Code (UCCJ became the highest body of law actually in force in trade, banking, and commerce worldwide, transcending national governments and treaties in the 1900s. It was the natural outgrowth of the practical need for an international set of agreements on which merchants could operate in trade that would be common to all exporters, importers, and commerce in general. It evolved over thousands of years and culminated in the codification in 1954 of a set of principles that came to govern trade and contract law equilaterally throughout the world. Thus, it became a kind of distillation of the principles of common law in actual practice equally in all countries. Because a Natural Law Trust is a contract, it naturally operates according to principles elucidated in the UCC, even though doing so cedes nothing to the UCC in the way of jurisdiction or authority. Natural Law The term “Natural Law” came to be used to describe the trust contracts that incorporate the best of all the above bodies of principles of law, while leaving out the principles that were designed to benefit only the few at the expense of the many, with only certain vested interests in mind. Natural Law is embedded in the Unified Field and operates evenly throughout the universe, with the most basic principle of it being that the vibration that one entity sends out always and invariably comes back to that entity. This is the law of karma or “as you sow, so shall you reap”. In physics it is the law of cause and effect, action, and reaction. It is perfect and infallible. It is beyond human authority to oppose or mute, and no being in existence is exempt from it. Statutory Law is anybody of law passed by statutes deriving from legislation of governments. They typically change from year to year and are tremendously complicated. Admiralty and maritime are types of statutory law, which have been largely prevalent in the last century, due mainly to the massive influence of special interests stemming from the banking cartel and the large corporations. Bar licensed attorneys are trained in statutory law and often believe that it is the only law worth considering as authoritative. There are millions and millions of statutory laws that keep changing. Thus no one human being can possibly keep up with all of them. That is why the attorney profession has become such a huge industry. Statutory laws are almost invariably written to benefit certain interests over others, and only very rarely benefit everyone equally all the time. Therefore, a Natural Law Trust incorporates the best of all the above systems of law and leaves out the impure and unfair elements. Natural law is generally more attuned to common law and universal law. It has been around a whole lot longer and is more agreeable to more people, hence | © All Rights Reserved KFLCC
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