Advancing the Kingdom of Yeshua law lesson 2
Even greater concern is the fact that today's church has, with few exceptions, abandoned the beliefs of the early church fathers who refused to incorporate, and suffered Rome's persecution, as a direct result. Incorporation was mandatory for all "spontaneous collectivities of persons" throughout Rome. Yet they refused Caesar's "privilege." In America, incorporation is completely voluntary. Furthermore, as we've already mentioned, it used to be almost impossible to incorporate a church, based upon the fact that no church can be free and independent of that government that incorporates it.
Incorporation Myths:
Duet 22:10 Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together. [KJV] You shall not plow with an ox [ a clean animal, righteous ] and a donkey [ unclean, rebellion ] together. [Amp]
Limited Liability Protection?
Limited liability protection is generally first among the legal “benefits” used by attorneys to convince a church to incorporate. However, limited liability protection is, for several reasons, largely a phantasm promulgated by (you guessed it) the legal profession and fails to consider significant trends in tort law in recent years. The American Bar Association has hosted “Tort & Religion” conferences since at least 1989 in which they instruct attorneys in the finer points of how to target incorporated “religious organizations” and “pierce the corporate veil.” Incorporation does little if anything in the way of protecting the church. “The legal reality is that a church cannot be sued and brought into court until it incorporates”. A church “is not an entity recognized in law.” If the court cannot legally recognize it, it cannot be sued. A church is not subject to the jurisdiction of any court. However, should a church incorporate it most certainly may be sued. Incorporation becomes the nexus of government jurisdiction to the incorporated church. One of the legal attributes that seldom if ever is discussed by the attorney is:
A corporation may sue and be sued .
How they can sell that as a “benefit” to the Church [to be your benefactor]is hard to comprehend.
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